
Monday, 21 October 2013

Excerpt and Fixed Link

After I posted yesterday I realised my links didn't work. It had been such a day, so I drowned my sorrows in Pinterest and I felt much better! I LOVE Pinterest!!

Today I've done some more writing on the third book "Hunny Love"...didn't do any book writing yesterday hence my frustration. Never mind, yesterday is done and dusted.

Here is an excerpt from the first chapter of "Hi, I'm Winnie". Enjoy.

...The story goes, mum told us, that one day about two years ago, she was having lunch with her friend Elaine. They were joking about being "techno-grannies" which is a bit of a joke really. Mum and Elaine are alternative lefties into natural ways of doing things, not mainstream at all.

Elaine is a granny to a fur-baby too, and they were having fun at their own expense as they often do when together. At about that time Elaine had just bought a new iphone 4 and mum had a new android phone and they were comparing notes. They were talking texting and things techno which I'm not really interested in, but since this story related to me, I was all ears. One thing lead to another and next thing they were talking about having "designer" this and that.

"Haha, as if that was them!" I've only met and sniffed Elaine once and I knew something was up....

Hopefully, the link to the book works now :) You can find it on the sidebar. Next time I'll talk about Book Two.

EDIT: I noticed straight after posting this that if you highlight either today's or yesterday's link then right click on the link it will take you to Winnie's page on Amazon. If someone would be so kind as to let me know if this is how it should work :) I'm new to blogging and it's taking me forever to sort this out. Thanh you very much xx

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