
Thursday, 2 January 2014

S/He who Procrastinates this year, Fails.

Where are we heading in 2014? Not down the path of procrastination I would hope. According to the Astrological calendar, and before you turn away, 33% of people TRUST horoscopes according to (Dec.11 2012), the New Moon on New Year's Day portends a year for laying down well thought out plans and setting realistic and achievable goals. BUT, more important than that is to get going on the decisions you've made, don't procrastinate, and SEE THE PLANS THROUGH. Apparently the gods are serious on this and won't take half-hearted attempts or false promises. Here is one perspective.

Okay, that doesn't sound too difficult or different really does it? But I believe there is more. This year feels different to me. For a start, here I am telling my story to the world. This is not at all the same me I was a year ago. The old me would never have dared to do what I'm doing today, "exposing" myself like I am. Yet this is what this year is also about. We are being called to wipe our slates clean of any allusions or false securities and being asked to jump into our selves, our true natures, life, to be our real selves, warts and all.

For myself, I'd forgotten about many deep interests. Don't worry, I'm not about to swamp you with them, but they will emerge through these pages now and then as is astrology today. I'm one of those 33% who trust horoscopes, but not the ones to be read in newspapers or magazines, I delve deeper. And for those forgotten interests? I can thank writing again after so many years for bringing them back to full awareness. And it feels good. It feels right, and I know that the decision to write, although it seemed very whimsical and without solid foundation six months ago, has been 100% the best decision I've made in a long time. Something I did not expect.

So in 2014 I plan to write better and write more, and to improve my health, the big one for me. I'm normally not a New Year Resolutionist, and I choose not to call my plans resolutions, mostly because everyone else does and I like to be different :). I'm being serious about my plans, but not obsessive. If I become obsessive, I fail, past experiences have shown me this, so I'm not really making a plan! I just know in my head what I need to do.

Certainly though that's where to start, and if you need a solid plan,

    a) work out what's important and don't sweat the small stuff
    b) make a decision and just do it
    c) leave half-hearted attitudes for another year or never
    d) the resulting extra time = fun and relaxation time : a more balanced life

I'm still learning the above myself so I need to take my own advice. I don't rush and mulit-multi task like I used to years ago, even though the last six months have seen me do so on occasion because of the amount of learning I've had to do to get up to speed in this business...Writing, publishing, promoting, learning about social media and then using it...ARGH!..., there were many times when my head nearly exploded and I had to lie on the bed for several days. I desperately wanted to be at the top of the game with my finger on every pulse, but I couldn't, AND at the end of the year, I realised it wasn't me anyway. Phew, got that sorted. Now, instead of becoming a quivering mess flat on my back seeing stars with heart and head pounding feeling sick to my stomach, I'm doing it my way, being honest, and true to myself. I cannot do it in the fast lane or I become more ill.

Some more advice I'll be following on the writing front is from Ruth R Allen on How to Slay the 6 Writing Dragons.

My horoscope says I'll be very successful this year with my writing, so gods, if you're listening, I'm serious.

Take care everyone, 'till next Friday,

Leonie, Hunny Winnie, who were all in bed before midnight.

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